Premium jewellery handmade by & in aid of survivors of the Rwandan genocide
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Welcome to Rwandan Beauty from SURF: the Rwandan Survivors' Fund charity

Rwandan Beauty premium jewellery is handcrafted in Rwanda by a widows' cooperative, from the world's finest quality beads. Your purchase creates a new livelihood for a widow of the genocide. All profits go to the widows and the Survivors Fund (SURF) charity. Click here to DONATE NOW 

Survivors Fund (SURF) delivers programmes rebuilding the lives of Rwandan genocide survivors who still suffer the consequences of the horrific events of 1994, in the form of child-headed households (many sacrificing their education so siblings can go to school), continued trauma, sickness (including widows deliberately infected with HIV), and isolation. 

SURF works with these tens of thousands of orphans, students and widows, delivering programmes which restore self-sufficiency to their lives, giving them a future again; while providing care and support for those too sick, elderly and vulnerable to participate actively.        UK charity no: 1065705 

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